Neo-Luddism and Why It Works

So… the Luddites.

In reality, a movement where a bunch of skilled technicians saw a technological advance in the field and realized that, without some sort of compromise, the Industry Leaders would put massive amounts of people out of work, causing both inferior products to be released AND untold misery. So they fought back, hoping to force those talks.

They lost.

Now, they are rememebered as “hur hur. Can’t stand in teh way of PROGRESSSSSS. Oh, bruh, did you just hear about those textile factories burning down cause unsafe conditions and all those workers being basically slaves? Guess stuff happens for no reason, right?”

Here we are again.

Lots and lots of very very very well informed and smart people are screaming about the dangers of AI. And the Industry Leaders are “hur hur. Can’t stop teh march of Progress.” Even though that progress equals drones that can slaughter targeted minorities, massive loss of jobs in creative fields, middle management, and other mid-level white collar jobs, a profound disruption in the ability to recognize what is real and what is generated, and likely “black-swan” systemic disruptions because AIs are NOT modeled after human cognition but instead are fancy rules machines.

People, please listen to the Luddites this time. This is NOT progress. This is business as usual: the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

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