Core Mission

At this point, the First Church of Coyote’s primary mission is restore a voice to the world by: empowering the voiceless, resisting the undeserving privileged, and giving succor to those in need.

To fulfill this mission, our ministry commits itself to freedom in its fullest expression. We value open and mutual respect and challenge institutionalized intolerance.

We strive for excellence in diversity. And we recognize that quality arises from the interdependent connections one makes throughout their life and beyond.

Our community dedicates its time to provide its members with a rooted understanding in the functioning of a healthy world. A body healthy and resilient. An observant mind able to embrace novelty. A heart capable of holding and nurturing connections. An ability to recognize and connect to outsiders, primarily through art.

We bind our traditions to the idea that faith is an intrinsic part of life. Faith cannot exist without life. That faith is simply a measure of the human capacity to recognize and place trust in a larger mechanism. Even if they do not understand all of the parts. Faith occurs only through engagement in common life. Discovery, creativity and innovation are hallmarks of its full passage.

Civic engagement is fundamental to our mission. The ministry reaches out beyond its boundaries to establish partnerships locally and globally. We seek to serve society through educating successive generations of leaders. And pass on a renewable set of skills specific to engagement with a healthier world.

Mission Statement

The First Church of Coyote is a process-oriented, observation-based faith, rooted in the oldest tenets of human life. For time immemorial, earlier incarnations of the faith have been pioneers. Persevering through impossibility, turning the futile into the attainable. It’s common theme has always been to acquire knowledge through experimental investigation.

We doubt the unreasonable critics, reject an unbalanced status quo and see opportunity in righteous dissatisfaction. Optimism drives our ministry and our followers. It is not naïve; it is essential. And it has fueled every accomplishment, allowing us to redefine what’s possible, time after time.

And through its eye-opening lens, we see beyond the pulpit, allowing us to engage with the world right now.

This is the First Church of Coyote. The fire in every hearth.

This is the foundation of our future.

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